A Message from the CEO
A Message from the CEO
Dear Colleagues,
Over the last few days I have been saddened and angered over events taking place in the United States. The display of hatred and racism from the white supremacists in Charlottesville is reprehensible. The notion of white supremacy is counter to the ideals on which the United States was founded and deeply offensive to all of us who believe in equality of all people. I love my country and know that America is better than the hatred that was on display this past weekend.
I also love this company and have dedicated more than 30 years to advancing Corning’s mission to create life-changing innovations and upholding our Values. You have my word that Corning will continue living its Values – all seven, all the time, all around the world. We will continue to have a zero tolerance policy toward racism, bigotry, and discrimination. And we will continue to create work environments and communities that are inclusive, because we know that diversity enriches all of us.
As many of you are aware, I have served as an advisor to the Manufacturing Jobs Initiative since January. Corning was asked to participate on this council to offer our deep expertise in innovation and manufacturing and advise the government on how to create jobs and strengthen the innovation and manufacturing sectors. I want to underscore that Corning’s participation was not a political statement, nor an endorsement of the Administration’s policies or positions, but instead part of our commitment to innovation, manufacturing leadership, and job creation. I believe we come up with more effective solutions when government and industry work together, and that Corning can make a positive difference by participating in the dialogue.
However, the events of the last few days have transformed the council’s laudable mission of job creation into a perception of political support for the Administration and its statements. This runs counter to my original intention and is inconsistent with Corning’s Values. As a result I have made the decision to step down from the council.
Corning remains willing to do our part to strengthen our country and the world, as we have for the past 166 years. I also plan to continue doing my part personally to foster innovation, strengthen U.S. manufacturing, and create jobs. However, I will never compromise Corning’s Values to do so.
Thank you for contributing your unique talents, perspectives, and backgrounds to make Corning a stronger company and our world a better place. And thank you for living Corning’s Values every day.
Wendell P. Weeks
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, and President